Entries by Tony


Depth of Experience Because timber framing in America lay mostly dormant from the late 1800’s until the 1970’s, and because the resurgence didn’t really pick up momentum until the early 1980’s, the playing field for companies was somewhat level. Very few timber frame companies had a depth of past projects that they could point to […]


Not too long ago a young engineer who had just discovered the wide world of timber framing visited our shop. He was eager to absorb as much information as possible and during the course of our two hour conversation he asked, after I told him that I’ve been in the craft since 1986, about the […]


  Back in the 70’s I taught a high school design class for which the prerequisites were two years of mechanical drawing and one semester each of wood shop and metal shop. The students in this design class would have limited access to both wood and the metal shop. I would present one problem at […]