We’re having a really busy season here at Lancaster County Timber Frames, with multiple projects running, both in the shop and in the field. Here’s a sampling of some ongoing work and some recently completed projects. The St. Peter the Apostle timber frame, fully erected and with roof boards in place. The rendering below is […]
Read More...New projects at Lancaster County Timber Frames
by LCTF Admin |

Lancaster County Timber Frames was recently selected by the Pittsburgh Zoo to supply and erect a timber framed restaurant in the African Savannah area. The Pittsburgh Zoo is one of only six major zoo and aquarium combinations in the US. It occupies 77 acres and houses over 4,000 animals of 475 species of which 20 […]
Read More...Our Mainline Philadelphia treehouse in the news

This is a not-fully-up-to-date photo of an elaborate tree house that we built for one of our clients a couple of years ago, and which ended up in the news recently. To view the article, copy and paste the following link into your browser search window: http://www.mainlinetoday.com/Main-Line-Today/July-2014/Extreme-Renovation-on-Gladwyne-Home/